Staying Colorful

My Family and I stood and appreciated a rainbow from our back deck the other night. As we talked about the many shades of color and God's never ending promise, I wanted to take those colors and put them somewhere, maybe in a jar or a Tupperware container so that on blue, and sad days I could open up that container and add some happy color!
I think as we (here in the frigid Midwest anyway) face another winter, another season of short bleak days, long frigid nights, punctuated with bone-chilling winds, and blizzards, we already start thinking of ways to spend those days. for me it's scrap booking, doing preschool with 'Little Blue' sewing (of course), reading good books.
Here are some things that can rob the color out of any day, (If I allow it too!!)
  • When the kids wake up before me and super grumpy!
  • Unexpected bills
  • When I allow my house to get DIRTY
  • Grocery shopping
Can you relate to any of these?? :)

Here are some things that bring The COLOR into my Days

Jesus Christ

My Marriage

Their Giggles
My Beautiful first born

My Lovely second born
all 3 of the girls together!!Like these pictures?? take a look at my photographer's website for more CUTENESS  here .
AND...... New fabric!!! Yesterday was a shopping trip to the Fabric store with my Fashion diva friend Beka Fox  and she talked me into this CUTE fabric!! (well I really only needed encouragement to buy the WHOLE BOLT) !! :)
Call me weird, but my heart was pounding as I made these cute little shoes!!
Perfect for adding color to those bleak , chilly winter days! Plus they keep baby's feet toasty warm!!
buy them here

buy them here


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