I said it Out Loud and it Felt Good

I said something out loud tonight that I have thought quietly to myself probably a thousand times since I became a mother..... 
 I said, at 7:30pm, "You kids are going to bed, I AM TIRED OF BEING A PARENT NOW... "  
I waited expecting the sky to start falling, and the earth to start shaking at my horrible confession that was supposed to be a private thought...
  But a crazy thing happened, the world kept turning, And my offspring looked at me like I had lost my last marble,
 and then they looked at Dad to see what he was going to do about Mom...
Dad quietly got up and started getting pajamas ready....
And suddenly I realized how good it felt to be honest with my family... I admitted what I was thinking and they all then knew how I felt.... and by 8:00pm all were in bed and I could switch into wife mode and chill on the couch with my feet propped up...  sharing a few laughs with my husband over the day's events...
Was it selfish of me?? probably... But honesty is also a good virtue.........
It has been a long winter already, we are all tired of being cooped up in the house together.... when the temperatures do rise into the 20s we make sure to head outside.. we don't get real far through the deep snow but we do get out...
Miss Haddy writing her name in the snow.. (she's at that stage where she signs everything)
 Miss Kristina watching the sunset with our Golden Doodle, Latte
And I am happy to announce that with all the 'Staying in' we have done there are plenty of new items on the website including a complete new collection.   
Introducing the POLLYANNA COLLECTION  !!! 
Summer Stripes  this is the first dress in this series.
And of course I have added a few items to the Chevron Collection for Easter:
Until next time,
RuthAnn Zimmerman- www.haddygrace.com


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