Behind the face of Adoption
I don't feel qualified to write about adoption, there are Mamas who have walked harder, longer roads than I have. My journey has been short, and fairly uncomplicated. We've gained the sweetest 2 year old you ever did meet. Maxwell, Days after we were introduced to him. Jan 2014 However, I am going to write about a few of the feelings that I, as a mom encounter in the past 10 mo. these feelings completely blindsided me! I was in no way prepared for any of them. When our son was first placed with us, we embraced having an 18 mo. old, none verbal little boy in the house. The honey moon period lasted a few short weeks, in those honey moon weeks I felt like I really wanted this child to be mine, And then the hard things hit, Forcing me to face the fact that this baby boy had missed out on so much in his short life, forcing me to recognize that emotionally he was no where near 18 mo. Anger at his Birth parents, Why didn't they... why did they..... ...