Home schooling your Children

It was 'back to school' week for us. Back to school means: Alarm clocks lunches strict schedules early bed times early morning alarms (none of these things bring a smile to my face) It means time to buckle down and and put my nose to the grind stone. It means making sure that there is plenty of clean laundry all the time. It means making sure homework is done, and done correctly. It means making sure meals are healthy and on time. It means having plenty of healthy food on hand for lunches. In many ways I feel like its the end of summer, the end of carefree afternoons spent at the pool or under the shade tree, the end of lazy PJ mornings.. However, as My older daughters head off to school to hit the books I am reminded that they aren't only going to be hitting the books, They will be observing how I handle this time of change in our life. Even tho...